“Bhava Yoga”, the Vibration of Love….

sky in the NorthEast, Jane Kohut-Bartels, June 25, 2012


Bhava Yoga


Morning’s roseate sky

blasted away,

branches now whirligigs

swirl with a fierce southern wind

making windows rattle in frames.


A tattered umbrella

shades  a relentless sun.

I listen to  Bhava Yoga

The vibration of Love,

where Imagination meets

Memory in the dark.

Yet surrounding these devotional tones

the world outside this music

conspires to disrupt, sweep away

any centered- down thought, reflection.


The fierce wind demands my attention.

It duels with energies

I am compelled to  attend.


Still, the pulse of Bhava Yoga

Draws me within,

Feeds memory with imagination,

Calls forth something as enduring as the fury outside,

And I feel the pulse of the infinite.


Our lives are lived in the spheres of


And we are  birds,

Clinging with dulled claws to

The swaying branches of life.


Jane Kohut-Bartels,

Copyrighted, 2012

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21 Responses to ““Bhava Yoga”, the Vibration of Love….”

  1. brian miller Says:

    The vibration of Love,

    where Imagination meets

    Memory in the dark….great line that…and feeling the pulse of the infinite…my that is some kinda serenity to get to that point…the dang wind always distracts me…smiles…the birds with dull claws clinging to the branches of life…nice closure ma’am


  2. ladynyo Says:

    Thank you, Brian…it’s about DAMN TIME I squeaked out a poem…it’s been 2 months of nuthin’ and I was really getting freaked. LOL!

    I haven’t had such a dry spell for a long time….but then again….

    Wrote this this very morning, sitting outside under the faded umbrella. The wind was fierce, as this tropical storm…Debbie….far south of us, was giving us the outer bands..

    Even the wind cooled off the morning and that was good.

    Thank you, Brian!!!



  3. steveroni2 Says:

    Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, DNA, etc., and their more minute particles; of course, these are construction beams of the world. I believe far too often we (I?) ignore VIBRATIONS as being central to communication between souls here…and hereafter.

    My very heartbeat should keep me informed of this importance. Like when inspiration hits, enters, it is as if wind has blown.

    AND…”…we are like birds…swaying branches of life.” Loved that reference to our journey, and its in-and-out sway.

    Thank you Jane, for being right here, right now.

    Psssst…I also wrote about birds–sort of… 😉

    Love and PEACE!


  4. ladynyo Says:

    Hi Steve!

    Your own words here are poetry. I will be over tomorrow to read your poem.

    Thank you for reading and your wonderful comment!



  5. Helena White Says:

    Mother nature surrounded you and inspired such a visual prose. The picture is breathtaking!


  6. Spiros Zafiris Says:

    ..hi Lady Nyo…hope you’re feeling
    stronger..i have been asking for the
    strength and protection of you and yours..

    spiros zafiris


  7. ManicDdaily Says:

    A lovely poem and glad you squeezed it out. I love the inside/out – no winning! I wrote a very different poem about singing kirtan once, but never posted and it’s not really comparable as yours has some real wisdom. k.


  8. Chazinator Says:

    This has the breath of infinity in it, drawing us along its glorious way to awareness beyond self, tracing steps on a path of illumination. I loved the lines about memory and imagination in the dark. That is a powerful combination, and into the darkness your words breathe insight and serenity. The ending is lovely, as well, though calling forth (to my mind) a bit of the hardship that life in the material always shares out. Excellent poem.


  9. ladynyo Says:

    Thank you, Charles…

    I was really unsure of this poem. I think I wrote it so fast yesterday morning, much of it hasn’t sunk in.

    I have been stoppered up for the past few months….ill health, …and haven’t much inspiration for poetry. I haven’t had much inspiration for anything, actually.

    I worried any poetry, potential poetry, had passed me by, and also I found when we are (as poets) developing a ‘self-consciousness’ about our poetry, perhaps that, too…stops us from it. I just don’t know right now, but I was trying to be ‘in the moment’…writing from the elements outside….sun, wind, birds, etc…and of course, they had an internal effect on the imagination.

    I guess that is what poetry is all about?

    Thank you, Charles, for reading and your very encouraging comment.



  10. ladynyo Says:

    Hey k!
    I wonder about our ‘wisdom’ in poetry. Sometimes our poetry sounds much better than we are writers….in the wisdom field. LOL!

    As I said, I’m going to have to study this poem, and come to some terms with it. I think we all do these things and then don’t understand where they came from and what they are supposed to do.

    Thank you for reading this, K, and for your lovely comment.



  11. ladynyo Says:

    That is so kind, Spiros! Thank you so much!

    As the Lady Nyo in “The Nightingale’s Song” says: “I will take prayers from any corner.”

    Yours are the ultimate kindness.

    Jane (Lady Nyo, too.)


  12. ladynyo Says:

    Hi Helena!

    I took that pix from my little digital camera…old one, and took it two nights ago? It was a miraculous sunset, and funny….it also was a silver lining to a very heavy cloud. Three years ago, the City of Atlanta came out and behind us and neighbors, strip mined 9 heavily forested acres. Many trees were lost and habitate for wildlife back there. Only kudzu grew back and one beautiful young, pink dogwood. However, the silver lining is this: we could never see the sky over the trees, so that is the blessing. The wildlife has returned….hawks and rabbits…so we are grateful.

    Thank you so much for reading and leaving a lovely comment.



  13. laura hegfield Says:

    “The vibration of Love,

    where Imagination meets

    Memory in the dark.” Oh Jane, this is gorgeous!!


  14. Chris G. Says:

    A spiritual, and yet, all too real breath of life…


  15. ladynyo Says:

    Hi Chris…that about sums it up for me.

    Thank you for reading and your insightful comment. You are ahead of me on this poem. I think it’s one that came fast, and I need to catch up with it!



  16. ladynyo Says:

    Hi Laura!

    I have to confess coming across the words: ‘where imagination meets memory in the dark’….from something in Anne Dillard. I’m just introducing myself to her, never having read her before. She is delightful. And those words I couldn’t ignore…..I felt like a magpie.

    Thank you, Laura, for reading and your comment.


  17. Claudia Says:

    Our lives are lived in the spheres of
    And we are birds,
    Clinging with dulled claws to
    The swaying branches of life….this is hilarious!!!


  18. Claudia Says:

    ok…not sure if hilarious is the right word…i mean it’s fricking awesome good


  19. ladynyo Says:

    Hi Claudia….you know when you are not sure that you trust a poem….???

    This one came too fast, and I haven’t really been able to digest it yet.

    Thanks, sweetie!



  20. hedgewitch Says:

    Loved this, Jane–you capture both the inner and outer worlds well, and the conflict sometimes between them–as someone above said, spiritual, but also, very human.


  21. ladynyo Says:

    Thank you, Hedge…

    I’m not sure I trust this poem yet. You know….

    thank you for reading and your comment, Joy.



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