“The Dark Leans In”, for d’versepoets


“Sunset”, Jane Kohut-Bartels, watercolor, 2008

The Dark Leans In



The dark leans in, cool and necessary.

The wind lessens, quiets the

hambone frenzy of wind chimes.

They ceased their cacophony,

Letting   birds this  night

test their dusk-calls,

unsure of voices muted

by the silence of season past.


Off in the distance a lone train whistle

perhaps the last train home

Before night blackens the earth.

It will need a fat moon to brighten its tracks….



How silent the night!

Now given to owls,

Piteous cries of mourning doves

And the rustle of something

In the tall weeds,

Something mysterious

But probably not.


The night is the territory of creatures

With night vision and silent flights,

Of owls with upturned  wings,

Silent, silent, deadly drones

Red eyes like burning coals

And talons like razors.

A banshee scream of hunter

And the resounding cry of prey.


No man walks about the dark,

No one would without fear

Knowing what is given by nature is not

On par with the lowliness creature of this dark.


Only the slight babble of the brook,

The brook that fears no rocks

Or fallen limbs or anything except drought

Makes the push to daylight where we

Are sure of our place,

Our courage renewed.


The night belongs to other species

As the dark leans in, cool and necessary

The wind picks up, rattles leaves beneath  feet

And we turn our steps towards a world

Of  less mystery.


Jane Kohut-Bartels

Copyrighted, 2016

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24 Responses to ““The Dark Leans In”, for d’versepoets”

  1. moondustwriter Says:

    your art and words merge

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Grace Says:

    I linked you up Jane ~ I love the sounds in the silent night – birds, owls, rustling weeds ~ This is my favorite part:

    The night belongs to other species

    As the dark leans in, cool and necessary

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Arcadia Maria Says:

    Very lovely


  4. ladynyo Says:

    thank you, Grace….


  5. ladynyo Says:

    Hello Moondustwriter!! So happy to hear from you. Thank you so much for reading and for leaving this comment. It is good to see you again.


  6. Lady Nyo Says:

    thank you, Arcadia Maria, for reading and leaving a comment.


  7. Brian Says:

    I like how each stanza is a separate poem yet all linked tonight by the noises of things that go bump in the night.


  8. hypercryptical Says:

    Oh this is pure perfection. Lost in it I am it, in its pure perfection.
    Kind regards
    Anna :o]

    Liked by 1 person

  9. kim881 Says:

    Good morning Jane! I’m not long up and have just read your poem.
    I love the personification in the opening line, inviting me to read, and the sound effects of the ‘hambone frenzy of wind chimes’, the birds’ ‘dusk-calls’, ‘lone train whistle’ and the ‘rustle of something’, which create such atmosphere I could feel the chill of the night air. You’ve used light beautifully, too, with the image of a ‘fat moon’ to brighten the tracks and the ‘red eyes like burning coals’ – there is a distinct change in atmosphere, with a sense of danger. And then such a gentle ending!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Björn Rudberg (brudberg) Says:

    I really like the sense of night leaning in. There is a sense of weight in darkness that I can feel (as fear for instance). The description of owls as orbs is great too…

    Liked by 1 person

  11. ladynyo Says:

    thanks, Bjorn.


  12. ladynyo Says:

    Thank you, Kim. I appreciate your reading and your comment. Loading these poems with description makes poetry fun or at least interesting. I was afraid there wasn’t enough mention of light here, but you pulled what little I had. The countryside, at least where I was raised was totally dark in the night. Thank you, again.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. ladynyo Says:

    Hello, Anna! Thank you for reading. I have stuff to work on in this poem….but I thank you for reading and your lovely comment!


  14. ladynyo Says:

    Hey Brian….thank you for reading and your kind comment. I am not awake yet, but will look for those noises of tings that go bump in the night.


  15. kim881 Says:

    It’s always dark here where I live too – there are no street lights and only the house lights and the lights from the local pub illumination. We usually take a torch with us if we have to walk in the evening. We do get to see plenty of stars!


  16. lynn__ Says:

    Wow, this is a fabulous night write!! I love the animal activity but also the sound of the last train whistle…sets stage for mystery.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. paulscribbles Says:

    Spooky…something mysterious~but probably not…..got me.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. ladynyo Says:

    LOL! that got me, too. Thanks for reading and your comment Paul.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. ladynyo Says:

    Thank you, Lynn. I’m going to reply to comments after Thanksgiving. So thank you and have a great one!~

    Liked by 1 person

  20. ladynyo Says:

    oh, we have plenty of lights here in Atlanta…too many. But I was raised in the country and there were no lights at all. Miss that, greatly.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. katiemiafrederick Says:

    Night walkers.
    vampires of the
    night in spirit escaping
    broad day light oF eYes
    that no longer stand A Sun..
    i literally was
    one of those
    creatures for
    years before.. my
    friend.. without
    the ability to
    light or
    symptom of
    the worst pain known
    to mankind.. tolerated as
    hell.. type two trigeminal
    neuralgia from wake to sleep
    for 66 months total.. in real hell here..
    3 am.. the only time i went out when all was
    quiet.. and street liGhts lit eYes behind sHades
    like the noon day sun.. what i did lEArn then
    as tHeRe
    was no longer
    any place outside
    otHer than dARk..
    how happy i was
    to finAlly
    to extinguish now
    more as the blind and
    deaf in pain lEArn to see inside..:)


  22. ladynyo Says:

    I am sorry for your suffering for those long months. Hopefully you are better now. I hate pain in any source.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. katiemiafrederick Says:

    Thanks my
    On the
    End of Joy now..
    Happy Thanksgiving..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  24. ladynyo Says:

    And Happy Thanksgiving to you!!

    Liked by 1 person

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